
Every artist undresses his subject, whether human or still life. It is his business to find essences in surfaces, and what more attractive and challenging surface than the skin around a soul? ~Richard Corliss~

Monday, February 15, 2010

Charcoal Sketch: "Love is but a fleeting moment"

While working on this sketch on Sunday, uhm, yes, Valentine's day - a gentleman enquired about purchasing it. He not only purchased this one, but wanted an accompanying male to go with it. So, there you have it - this lady is sold, and she will have someone to share the wall space with her!

I would like to have your comments on this piece - what do you think is going on with her emotionally, where is she and why is she half dressed - albeit only a hat and silky soft gloves?

I obviously have my own interpratation - hence the name "Love is but a fleeting moment" - but it will be really interesting to hear yours!


  1. I'll tell you what I like about it (because that indirectly answers the questions you ask). There is mystery in this piece. What is going on under that hat? ... and what are those hands doing? The fact that the two most expressive parts of the human body, the face and hands, are excluded, hides the obviousness of the story and allows one to create their own. Is she crying under that hat? Has something tragic has gone on? Is the "fleeting love" in that title fleeting not through her own doing? Has she been used? Are those hands reaching out to someone?
    But maybe there their is a mischevious smile under that hat and those hands are holding up hastely removed clothing?
    (I prefer this version).
    All in all it's a captivating piece.
    Well done Mercia!

  2. This painting, to me, spoke volumes about the coldness and detachment of the human heart. Love comes and goes and she is getting dressed again after love has had its way with her, although she remained partially dressed the entire time with her hat and long gloves because to be openly naked and exposed to another person would give them too much power over her. This is only my interpretation, but I must say, and everyone will agree, this is a stunning piece!

  3. This beautiful elegant young lady is in a red light window having lost everything including love. Initially she stood naked, exposed, but now, having returned to her post after her first customer she failed to remove the last of her accessories. Emotions she never knew existed are hidden under the brim of her hat. Being naked is no longer an issue. This young lady is unable to lift her head, unable to reveal and expose her innermost emotions. She continues to gesture with her hands for business. What an awesome piece I just absolutely love it
