
Every artist undresses his subject, whether human or still life. It is his business to find essences in surfaces, and what more attractive and challenging surface than the skin around a soul? ~Richard Corliss~

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Website uploaded: www.essensual.co.za

I finally finished the website! You can find it here: http://www.essensual.co.za

Please be patient while the images load - it's a graphic intensive site. It should work fine in both IE and Firefox, but personally I prefer Firefox.

If you have comments or shout-outs leave them here - if you don't like the site - close your browser and go to google! ;-).

If you would like to purchase any of the artworks - the site is unfortunately not e-commerce ready. However, you can send me an email to which I will reply with banking details etc. The purchased items will only be shipped once the amount is reflected. The shipping/courier costs will be for your own account.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Guest Book entries

It has been a very quiet week so far, so I took the time to copy some of the Guest book entries to share with you. Most people who find the courage to walk through the door like what they see, others don’t seem to be offended by the nudity. Others turn around and mumble something incoherently as they shuffle off. 

It is very interesting to watch the visitor’s reactions when they walk through the doors of the gallery. Out of respect for their varied and right of opinion, I will not repeat some of the comments I have overheard, so just let’s say some are nice to hear and others remind me that I have to count to 10! Grrrr

I have found a quote that probably sums it up perfectly: "Surely nothing has to listen to so many stupid remarks as a painting in a museum."  ~Edmond & Jules de Goncourt~

But I guess that is the great value of art – what some people like, others find offensive or crude. Guess the same goes for life!

Guest Book entries: Essensual Art Gallery (Since 19 December ’09)

• Michelle Louw - New Zealand: “Amazing art!!! All the best for the future”

• Lizmari Louw – New Zealand: “So inspriring!! ;-) I love the art, it just makes me wanna paint. Blessings xox”

• Lyn Marais – Johannesburg SA “Congratulations on your opening. Great gallery.”

• Michelle – Clarens: “The poetry and paintings say it all!!! Good Luck!”

• Paul and Sheila: “Fantastic expression. Love it!”

• Dave Horn – Tanzania: “ Excellent depictions of the beautiful female form”

• Nadia Edwards – Polokwane: “Stunning”

• Heino and Carika “Wow!”

• Ashlin, Vincent, Solé, Stacey, Quintin, Petro Kayleigh: “Die kunswerke is asemrowend. Baie interessant en groot talent!” – Loosely translated: The artwork is awesome, very interesting and big talent

• Amanda Marier: “A moment in time – love it!”

• Ben Vincent – Van der Bijl Park: “Pragtige versameling” – Translation – Nice collection

• Dess – UK and Lance – New Zealand: “Inspirational and inspiring”

• Ez Wright: “Very awesome!”

• Amanda van Blerk – (Speckled Bean) Clarens: “Just what Clarens needed.”

• Annemarie – Heidelberg: “This gallery is fantastic. Wonderful energy; Beautiful art!! Blessings.”

• Lorna & Tracy: “The artwork and quotations touched our souls. Lovely, restful atmosphere.”

• Jaco and Susan: “WOW”

• Dirk and Ronell Mostert: “Pragtig!” – translation: Pretty

• Liza van den Berg: “Enige iemand se droom” – loosely translated: Anybody’s dream

Thursday, January 28, 2010

New exhibition by Frances Lozear 3 April 2010 @ Essensual Art Gallery

I am very excited to invite you all to the exhibition of Frances Lozear called "l'amour eternel pour venir" or "the eternal love to come". The opening is on the 3rd of April at Essensual Art Gallery, Clarens. This is her farewell exhibtion, as she is planning to move to Vancouver, Canada where her next exhibition will be during August 2010. 

We hope you will be able to attend, but if not, I will post pictures of her work! For those interested to attend, the gallery is situated in Shop 7, Upper level, Clarens Tourist & Info Centre, Corner of Market & Roos Streets, Clarens, Free State. The exhibition will run for about 2 weeks. 

Hope to see you there!


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Welcome to Essensual Art Gallery, Clarens

I thought it will be a great idea to share the happenings of the gallery with you all, the events, latest news and of course, the art and the interesting artists behind it! Essensual Art Gallery is the only art gallery in Clarens that specializes in sensual art, such as nudes and semi-nudes, both paintings, sketches and sculptures.

Apart from the gallery, there is of course Clarens. Famous for its beauty, the mountains and the many art galleries that can be found in this quaint little village.

I hope you will like the art as much as I do and if you are interested to purchase any of them, you can email me at mercia.deale@gmail.com.